Sunday, August 15, 2010

Yahoo Can't Handle the Truth

I was on Yahoo Answers the other day and someone asked a question about the locatoin of Israel and if it was located in Europe if it would alleviate the problems in the Middle East.

"What if after ww2 the allies took part of Germany and turned it into a Jewish Home land instead of in the?
Middle East would this have made much of a difference today"

This was my answer.

"I doubt it. Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people so that alone gives them the right to be there. The biggest problem in the Middle East is the one that Western leaders are ignoring; Islam tends to be a violent religion and has a history of preying on other cultures, especially when they consider those other cultures to be weak or lead by weak leadership. The first line of the US Marine Hymn, " the shores of Tripoli" recounts when Jefferson sent a contingent of Marines and Navy ships to North Africa to stop the Islamic pirates from kidnapping our merchant sailors whose only "crime" was not being Muslim. The Crusades of the Middle Ages were called on by the Pope to protect Christians living and traveling to the Holy Land who were also under attack by Muslims just because they were not Muslim. Unlike Christianity which was spread despite violence; Islam was spread through violence. Those big Mosques you see in Turkey; Israel and other places are built as Victory Mosques over the original (usually Christian or Jewish) religious sites. The Golden Dome was built on top of the Cathedral at Constantinople (the holiest place of the Eastern Orthodox church); The Dome of the Rock was built on the ruins Solomon's temple (the holiest place in Jewish tradition) A lot of the bloodshed in North Africa is Muslim violence against the black Christians who are also being kidnapped and sold into slavery (yes slavery exists in Islamic states). Until the Islamic fundamentalists stop considering the rest of us to be lesser humans there will be violence wherever they are."

Apparently this is a violation of Yahoo's terms of use because it was "insulting" to someone. I guess the truth about a history of violence and slavery just because someone doesn't agree with you; hurts when you are trying to pretend you are the religion of peace.