Thursday, October 15, 2009

Boss Obama?

A lot has been said about Obama’s “star like aura” and the like. Those on the radio even jokingly call him the messiah due to his hold on those who really do not pay attention. I on the other hand, having been a child in the early 1980’s, have a slightly different perspective.
Obama and his whole crew remind me of the first television series I can remember watching (and still do on occasion these days). The Obama administration, with their aversion to so called “clunker cars” and rugged individualism; ownership of everything that isn’t nailed down and his pesky schemes; Obama reminds me of the TV show Dukes of Hazard or more specifically the main foil of the show Jefferson Davis Hogg aka Boss Hogg.
Snicker if you will but the coincidences are there if you expand them from a county commissioner’s relative power to that of the President of the United States. In one of his first acts as President, Obama took over the banks. Boss Hogg owned the only bank in Hazard County. Boss Hogg in fact owned just about everything in Hazard County from the aforementioned bank to the car dealership (GM and Chrysler) to the local watering hole and even the local radio station (fairness doctrine anyone).
Hogg has his bumbling right hand man, Roscoe P. Coltrane which has definitely be Joe Biden, down to the nonsensical ramblings they use when they forget the line they were supposed to tow. Hogg also had a never ending supply of generic henchman eager to help him in his nefarious ways and who on occasion were even too extreme for the boss; much like Obama’s never ending supply of czars, some of whom would make Marx wrench his left shoulder in order to pat them on the back.
Of course, Hogg always blamed his failures on the title family, the “Dukes” who somehow managed to foil his every scheme despite overwhelming odds through family, hard work and ingenuity much like Obama blames the Tea Party; 9/12 and related movements coupled with talk radio and Fox News for uncovering and spoiling his plots. In both cases those who believe the American axiom of truth, justice, fair play, rugged individualism and hard work are the enemy of the big government all controlling leader be it County Commissioner Hogg or President Obama. The only question is, will we see the equivalent to an orange ’69 Charger breaking up an Obama speech by blaring Dixie on its horn and who will be driving it? I am thinking of a caravan of SUV’s playing the Star Spangled Banner; the Battle Hymn of the Republic or another patriotic tunes. Driving it of course will be the patriots of this country; every one of us. Perhaps a better idea would for us to download the Battle Hymn of the Republic (Lee Greenwood does a great version) and play it loud at the same time the next time Obama speaks.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Redeclare your independence

“WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness – That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Governed…” Echoed throughout the world 234 years ago from the Declaration of Independence; these words began a message loud and clear to the aristocracy that a select few could no longer tell the majority what to do; at least on these shores.
Washington, Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison and the rest of the Founding Fathers both remembered and forgotten, learned in both the annals of history and the morality in their heart, risked it all in order to bring mankind to the most natural and perfect state it could possible obtain on Earth, that of freedom. Not since the early days of Rome had the concept of free will been so closely understood and perhaps this time around even better as the results were nearly identical as the tiny collective of former colonies went from a rural backwater collection of farmers to the most powerful and influential nation the world has ever seen.
Unfortunately, sometime around the late 19th century/ early 20th century, during the period ironically called the “Progressive Era” another set of echoes from the past reemerged. Just like Rome fell when the aristocratic class began taking more and more power under the guise of helping the Plebs (aka the lower and middle class); the aristocratic class of America decided to do the same. Many of those thinkers were students of Karl Marx and his sympathizers. Presidents from Wilson to F. Roosevelt, including all of those in between, began using propaganda and over inflated crises, including the Great Depression, to garner more and more power under the guise of helping the working class (the Plebs of the modern era). Remember this is the only era in which Amendments to the Constitution were introduced that took away rights from the individual and/or the state within the Federal sphere. Remember the 17th amendment took away the State’s influence in the Senate by making their appointment through popular vote; prior to that amendment the States individual voice was heard in the Senate the Populations in the House it was done this way as a balancing act to inhibit Federal consumption of State powers as enumerated in the 9th and 10th amendments. The 16th amendment gives the federal government the power to take money directly out of your pocket via taxation rather than proportionally through the states as worked so well previously and the 18th told us we could not consume adult beverages.
While we have occasionally staggered back on to the correct path with Kennedy and Reagan and on certain issues with GW Bush, for the most part we have been shoved down this path that we should so eagerly avoid. A path back to tyranny, the same path our Roman brethren were blind to see and powerless to stop. While many of them were illiterate and their communication abilities limited; we do not have either excuse. Sure our public schools are becoming more like Soviet propaganda machines by the day but we have the best alternate education tools ever; and the best communication abilities of all time (internet; talk radio; cable news) and will continue to keep them so long as we protect the Bill of Rights as though our lives depend on it because our freedoms sure do.
This is ever more important in light of Caesar Obama’s recent actions. In no less than six months time he has managed to buy a majority of the banks, whether they were in trouble or not, and two of the largest manufacturing companies (GM and Chrysler) in the country WITH OUR MONEY AND NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY, thus effectively securing control over the nation in such a way that hasn’t been seen since the 1930’s and 1940’s better known as the heyday of Fascism. I am not sure if we should be comparing Obama to Hitler or Mussolini but there are more than a few similarities at this point in time compared to similar points in time from their reigns, so although I hope they are just coincidences we better hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Remember Hitler and Mussolini were both community organizers who came to power under the auspices of change on behalf of the working people. I believe it was Hitler, as leader of Germany’s Socialist Worker (aka NAZI) party who promises a Volkswagen in every garage and a chicken in every pot (sounds like spreading the wealth around). In fact the word Volkswagen roughly translates into the people’s car.
Also, let us not forget that Hitler and Mussolini just like Stalin a few decades before and Chavez of Venezuela half a century or so later began their rule by nationalizing the banking and manufacturing sectors of their respective nations under the guise of helping the people. Besides what does it say when Commie Chaves tells the public that the American President Obama is to the left of he and fellow traveler Castro of Cuba; and China is telling you to slow down in your sprint to the left. Pardon the parody of Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a redneck…” routine but “If you have the three major Communist dictatorships telling you that your President is too far to the left, then you might be on the road to Tyranny.”
It is a scary thought and one that I will fight to my last breath through every legal means available to me. I hope you do the same and together the country can be put back on the path back to where it belongs. Join with me in redeclaring your independence from tyranny because WE still hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men have and always will be created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, for which we will fight to preserve with our last breaths if need be, that among these are Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, the right to personal property and the right to protect the above mentioned through the power of our voice and by our just deeds and actions– That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Governed and should be limited solely to those powers permitted to them by the words expressly written in the Constitution by a just and deliberate process as spelled out in the Constitution for the empowerment of the individual not of the government nor the false empowerment of those portending to speak for the faceless masses of the hyphen.