Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama the Scary

Is it just me or does the thought of a “President Obama” scare the living hell out of everyone else too? This latest escapade with “Joe the Plumber” is just the latest proof that this man should not be anywhere near any elected seat of office, much less the most powerful position in the world. For those of you living under a rock or who use the Main Stream Media as your “trusted news source”, Barack Obama after a speech went up to a man who identified himself as “Joe the Plumber” and asked him if he had any questions. Joe basically asked Obama why he thought it was fair and Constitutional for the government to take his hard earned money from him and give it to people who have not earned it. Obama’s response was that he wanted to “spread the wealth around” which can easily be translated to the famous Karl Marx quote, “From each according to his ability to each according to his need”. This is basically a scam that politicians have been using since time began in which the leader uses money he levies through taxation to buy support from the general public that always leads to an ever increasing amount of property and power going to the government and an ever decreasing amount of our inalienable freedoms being “granted” by the government. It has failed every time it has been tried, from Ancient Rome; to the first government at the Plymouth Colony to the Soviet Union and even the Socialist Countries of the EU (most of whom had 20% unemployment and a much lower standard of living as a result). Starting on Friday and now this morning (Saturday) I have been hearing Obama on the news channels saying that anyone who does not willing give up to 70% of their income in taxes (add it up and don’t forget sales tax and all of the hidden taxes imbedded in the price of the goods you purchase) to this power buying scheme of his is selfish. Selfish?!?! Excuse me Mr. Obama; I do not know if you are reading this but if one of your handlers is and passes it on to you please tell me WHO THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!!!!????? To tell me that I am selfish because I do not want to give up an ever increasing amount of my hard earned property so that you can give it to someone who hasn’t done anything to earn it in the hopes that you can bribe them into voting to keep your sorry butt in office is not only a slap in my face but also a slap in the face of everyone who has ever sacrificed for the sake of this country from Washington; Jefferson and their supporters through Lincoln to my Grandfather’s generation and even this generation whether it be those who just risked some money to those who sacrificed their lives to ensure that America became and continues to be the greatest country that GOD has granted us on Earth. I am not selfish. No someone who works hard for their property and merely wants to decide how to best dispose of it beyond what the government truly needs for its Constitutionally mandated duties (i.e. the military; roads; and keeping the border secured) is not selfish. That is the very definition of someone who is humbly going about their business. The definition of selfish is someone who takes what they have not EARNED and therefore is not theirs in order to use it for their own purposes, including the buying of votes!!! BARACK H. OBAMA, YOU SIR ARE THE SELFISH ONE, NOT ME!!! I donate money to the causes I deem are worthy and that is my right, not something that you or anyone else should dictate. Further, although at this time I am not “rich” by today’s standards, I hope to be one day. I will be opening up my own small business once I am ready (and by ready, I am also using who is in the White House as a factor so you may delay this should you cheat your way to victory with your ACORN buddies). When I do open up my business, I plan on giving a few people some money or “spreading the wealth around” as you put it, in exchange for them “spreading some labor and mental capabilities around” in return. See that is how employment in this FREE MARKET economy works. One person has something that they have an abundance of (i.e. labor hours and ability) and a need for something (i.e. money to purchase their wants; needs and desires). They seek out someone who has the opposite problem in that they have some excess money yet have a shortage of labor hours and/or ability. These two people get together and they decide to trade with each other what each has in abundance in exchange for what they need. The employer gets the employees extra labor in exchange for his excess money and both are happy. This system has always worked well until people like you step in and mess it up. You come in and give those who need money but have an excess of time on their hands money. Therefore they have no need to exchange some of their time for this money. Therefore their time becomes more valuable to them and they require more money before they are willing to give it up. When that happens the person who still needs the hours will spend more to get them but in turn has to raise the price of the product that was produced with those hours (because cost went up). This means that the person they are selling it to have to pay more for it; which means that this person has to charge more for the purpose they are using it for or do with less. Either way it’s bad for the economy. Obama are bad for the economy and the rest of the country for that matter. People need to read the Federalist Papers as well as the Book of Revelations and then listen to you before they vote Tuesday.