Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Open letter to the Secular Progressives

I was just listening to the news today and the topic was the whole Church and State argument.

It seems as though the Secular Progressive fella (hence forth known as the SPinites) was misquoting the Constitution and President Jefferson yet again to bolster his argument.

Understand, in order to properly understand something you need to read the WHOLE THING. Not just bit parts of it like a character in an Orwellian novel.

The SPinite was insistent that the First Amendment’s reference to Church and State was there to prevent the public display of religion (i.e. No Crèches, Menorahs or other religious symbols); because part of the Amendment says that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…”

The SPinite was partially correct. What this SPinite did is what they always do. They neglect to tell you of the whole law, amendment etc. in their argument thus giving you a false argument from which to judge their opinion on a matter.

The First Amendment in its entirety reads; “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” (Bolding added for emphasis).

When taken in its entire context, it does not imply that government needs to ban all expressions of religion in the public square as not to offend or to “establish religion” as the SPinites would have you believe.

Rather, the First Amendment, when read in its entirety, actually means that government is not going to take a side one way or another in regards to religion. This means that if there is a place in the public square where exhibits are allowed, the government has to allow ANY EXHIBIT in that square that does not break a pre-existing law (i.e. public displays of sex). That means if it’s a Crèche, a Menorah, or a statue of the cast of the View, it has to be allowed. If it is not, then the government is violating the First Amendment.
The same holds true when the government pays for services (such as schooling or feeding the homeless); in that they are supposed to hire the best organization for the job at hand. If Catholic Charities is the best organization for feeding the homeless in your area; your government should contract out the food banks to them. If the Atheists Club (or whatever it’s called) is the best, then they should be contracted to do it.
What the SPinites really are doing is establishing a religion, their religion (Secular Progressiveness) in the government and forcing it upon us, at tax payer expense. Every day you hear them cry that all public displays must be “secular”. What they really mean, is that all public displays must adhere to the principles of SPism.
So I say to all those SPinites. You have the right to worship your deity (big government), but I have the right to worship mine (that of GOD through Jesus Christ) and we both are allowed to do it in public, so back off and leave me alone.